Browsing articles tagged with " petaflop"

Watson the Smart Ass

It’s a fact that Watson, IBM’s massive AI project, is smarter than the average human. I mean, it kicked Ken Jennings’ ass on Jeopardy that one time. “Smart,” in that respect, meant the ability to pull knowledge from terabytes worth of Wikipedia data based on verbal clues. But Ken Jennings (and you and me) has Watson beat in one measure of intelligence: human language. Once that fact no longer holds true, well, we’re all in […]


US Has The King of Supercomputers again!

Great to hear that we have the new fastest supercomputer, and we plan on keeping it that way. Titan, the U.S. Department of Energy’s top open science computer, is going live on Monday with an upgrade that will likely make it the fastest supercomputer on the planet. At 20 petaflops — that’s 20 quadrillion calculations each second — Titan outperforms by four petaflops the DOE’s Sequoia supercomputer, which has held the crown since June. What is really […]

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