WordPress Changes
Just updated WordPress, and WOW! Where the heck did that come from? 3.8 has some of the biggest changes I have ever seen, which does tell us that it is mostly visual, but still… This release is focused on improving the user interface for WordPress admin area meaning a lot of visual improvements. In this article, we will show you what’s coming in WordPress 3.8 and how you can try some of these features right […]
Been awhile
I have been taking advantage of my Tumblr account and my Pinterest account, kind of a neat little site. Also in the middle of getting my own hosting business going, Paradise Web Service. Site is not really up and running yet, I am slowly transferring current clients over to it (hope it works out well). WHMCS seems to be helping, and I am digging the new software. Also been using my new BTGuard account to try out my torrents. Had some […]
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Best FTP clients
Five solid FTP clients that also happen to be free Takeaway: FTP isn’t going away anytime soon and for anyone looking for a solid FTP client, here are five free tools that should meet nearly any need. No matter how embedded into our lives cloud computing becomes, there are still plenty of companies and individuals that rely upon good old fashion file transfer protocol (FTP). There’s a reason for that. FTP is easy to use, reliable, and can […]